Log In (Authentication) FAQ for Hospital Staff

This article provides answers to frequently asked questions for Hospital staff on how to access and log in to University services.


Is there any difference in resource accessibility between the University and Hospital virtual private networks (VPN)?

Hospital employees use the Hospital's virtual private network (VPN), which provides security-compliant access to sensitive data. The Hospital VPN restricts access to known malicious websites such as adult/mature content, known spam sites, and sites known to promote or feature illegal activity. UCMEDID holders may access the Hospital VPN but not the University's VPN, known as cVPN.

How can I access UChicago Secure wireless?

If you have both a CNetID and a University of Chicago Medicine Active Directory User ID (UCMEDID), you must use your CNetID and password to access University-related services, including the uchicago-secure wireless network. If you have a UCMEDID only, you will use your UCMEDID and password to access the University's wireless network.

How can I access online University resources (library resources, Canvas, Workday, etc.)?

If you have both a CNetID and a UCMEDID, you must use your CNetID and password to access University-related services including online University resources such as library resources, Canvas, Workday, etc. If you only have a UCMEDID, you will use your UCMEDID and password to access these University resources.

How can I log into public University workstations?

If you have both a CNetID and a UCMEDID, you must use your CNetID and password to log in to public University workstations. If you only have a UCMEDID, in order to access public University workstations, you must enter "ucmed\" followed by your UCMEDID in the username box. In the password box, you will enter your UCMED password. 

Why will UCMEDIDs work for incoming residents but not for current residents?

In the past, CNetIDs were routinely given to residents when they came to the University. The result is that some current residents have both a CNetID and a UCMEDID. University systems prefer the CNetID, so residents who have both must use their CNetID and password for access. However, all University systems are accessible using the UCMEDID and password, except for the UChicago VPN (cVPN) because it does not meet the security compliance requirement for HIPAA data. This means that incoming residents and fellows will use one account name and password to access systems that require a log in.