Gradescope: Use Gradescope via Canvas (Faculty)

Gradescope is an online grading platform designed to streamline and enhance grading workflow. Traditional paper-based assignments such as project sets and exams can be scanned and uploaded to the platform, and digital assignments like coding projects can be submitted online. Instructors and teaching assistants (TAs) can quickly grade them using a pre-built or dynamic rubric. Gradescope supports grading by individual questions and grading similar answers at once. The Gradescope-Canvas integration allows instructors to sync their class roster, share feedback with students, and post grades directly to the Canvas Gradebook.

Claim your Gradescope account

  1. Go to Gradescope's website and click the Sign Up button at the top right.
    Sign Up button on gradescope's website
  2. Sign up for an Instructor Account using your UChicago email address. You must use your UChicago email address to qualify for a full version under UChicago's enterprise account, which will enable you to use the Gradescope-Canvas integration described below.
    Sign up for an instructor account

Enable Gradescope via Canvas Site

To use Gradescope in Canvas, you will need to enable Gradescope in your Canvas course first.

To enable Gradescope in your Canvas course, follow these steps:

  1. Log into your course and go to Settings at the bottom of the course navigation menu.
    Gradescope Course Menu - Settings
  2. Select the Navigation tab to edit your course navigation menu.
    Gradescope Course Settings - Navigation Tab
  3. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the icon to the right of Gradescope.
    Gradescope Details Button
  4. Select Enable from the pop-up options and then drag and drop the items to reorder your course navigation menu at the top of the page.
    Gradescope Enable Button
  5. You will see Gradescope appear at the top of the page in the list of enabled modules.
    Gradescope Settings - Enabled Modules
  6. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save to add Gradescope to your course.
    Gradescope Save Button
  7. Drag and drop the items to reorder your course navigation menu as needed. Remember to click Save at the bottom of the page to save your changes.
  8. Select Gradescope from the course navigation menu.
  9. Once you click the Authorize button, you will enable the Canvas integration and see the Gradescope landing page.
    Gradescope Authorize Button
  10. Select Link with a new Gradescope Course and then click Link Course to create a course in Gradescope linked with your Canvas course.
    Gradescope A New Gradescope Course Option
    Gradescope Link Course Button

Sync Canvas Roster

You will need to sync the roster from Canvas with Gradescope to link students enrolled in your course with their submissions before grading. The roster in Gradescope must be updated manually whenever there are changes in the course’s enrollment. It is recommended that you sync the Canvas roster before grading each assignment during the first weeks of the quarter when enrollment begins.

To sync the roster of students and instructors from your Canvas course, navigate to the appropriate course page in Gradescope and then follow these steps:

  1. Select Roster from the course navigation menu on the left.
    Gradescope Course Navigation Menu - Roster
  2. Click Sync Roster either in the middle of the page or from the banner at the bottom of the page.
    Gradescope Sync Course Roster Buttons
  3. Unless you want to send an email notification to your entire roster, deselect Let New Users Know They Were Added to the Course in the pop-up.
    Gradescope Email Notification Checkbox
  4. Click Sync Roster in the pop-up to complete the process.
    Gradescope Sync Roster Button

Create a Gradescope Assignment

  1. To create a new assignment, click Create Assignment in your Gradescope course’s Assignments page.
    Gradescope course showing Create Assignment button
  2. The Create Assignment page and workflow appears where you can choose from a variety of assignment types.
    Screenshot of Gradescope Create Assignment workflow showing different assignment types
  3. Select an assignment type and enter the assignment details and settings. If your assignment requires an outline (e.g., Exam/Quiz), prompt students to enter their Chicago ID (not their student ID) in order for Gradescope to more accurately match student submissions to your roster. Chicago ID numbers can be found on the back of physical UChicago ID cards or by doing a Who Am I Search.

Publish Grades and Post Grades to Canvas

Before you can post grades to the Canvas Gradebook, you will need to link the assignment created in Gradescope to a corresponding assignment in Canvas manually.

To link the assignments, create the assignment in Gradescope and then follow these steps:

  1. Select the assignment from the list of Active Assignments on the course page in Gradescope.
    Gradescope Assignment Selection
  2. Click on Settings in the assignment navigation bar on the left.
    Gradescope Assignment Menu - Settings
  3. Under the heading Canvas Assignment, click the Link button.
    Gradescope Link Button
  4. A pop-up will appear with a drop-down menu listing assignments from Canvas.
    Gradescope Selection Pop-up Menu
  5. Select the appropriate assignment from the drop-down menu and then click Link Assignment.
    Gradescope Link Assignment Button
  6. The Edit Assignment page will refresh, and under the heading Canvas Assignment you will see the name of the linked assignment in Canvas.
    Gradescope Linked Confirmation
  7. Once you are finished grading submissions, the Review Grades page gives you an overview of what was graded and allows you to publish grades, email students, and export evaluations & grades. Click Publish Grades to allow students to see their grades in Gradescope, and in the case of instructor uploaded assignments, their submitted assignments. By default, all rubric items are shown to students when grades are published but this can be changed in the settings. You do not need to Publish Grades in order to Post Grades to Canvas.
    Gradescope Publish Grades Button
  8. In order to send numeric grades from Gradescope to Canvas, click Post Grades to Canvas.
    Gradescope Post Grades to Canvas Button
  9. A pop-up will appear listing the names of the linked Canvas course and linked Canvas assignment. Select Post Grades in the pop-up to complete the process.
    Gradescope Post Grades to Canvas Button
  10. Once the process is complete, a confirmation that the grades have been posted successfully will appear in the pop-up.
    Gradescope Post Grades Confirmation