UChicago Box Sign (E-Signature) Quick Reference Guide

UChicago Box Sign is a built-in secure electronic document signature solution available to all UChicago Box users. It is easy to access directly through uchicago.box.com with a valid CNetID and password. Box Sign is accessible from any device that you access UChicago Box with and may be used for business and personal purposes.

Box Sign works well for collaborating with UChicago collaborators as well as external collaborators. A Box account is not required to sign a request. Box Sign meets UChicago's and industry HIPAA compliance requirements. All documents signed with UChicago Box Sign are secure.

This article provides you with instructions to get started with Box Sign. You may contact IT Services for additional support and if you have questions.


Send an Electronic Signature Request

  1. Log in to uchicago.box.com with your CNetID and password. Complete two-factor authentication if prompted.
    Tip: If you are using Box Sign for the first time, you may be prompted with a welcome screen and two additional introduction screens. Select Next on each of these screens until you are prompted with the Send a signature request screen, then select the Get Started button.
  2. From the left navigation pane, select Sign to access Box Sign.
    Box Sign Option
  3. Select New Request located at the top right corner of your screen.
  4. The Choose or Upload a Document dialog box appears. Select the plus sign (+). Select Choose from Box to upload your document from Box or select Upload File from your desktop.
    Upload document from Box or desktop option
  5. Select Who Needs to Sign your document (i.e., Only Me, Me & Others, Only Others). In this example, Me & Others is selected, which requires that the requester and others must sign the document. Under the Where should the request be saved? option, select the default folder My Sign Requests, or select a specific Box folder you have designated for saving your requests. Tip: The alternative folder has to be created before you start the request.
    Upload document for Box sign request
    If you select Me & Others, or Only Others, you can assign a Role to the recipients (i.e., Signer, Get a Copy, Approver, In-Person).
    You may add additional security to your requests by requiring two-factor authentication or a password to be used when signing.
    For more detail on roles and security, read Box's article Sending a document for signature, Steps 2 and 3: Adding and modifying a recipient: To add and modify a recipient.
  6. Select Continue. Your document appears on the left and Add a Recipient, Signing Order, Email Notifications, and Options displays on the left. 
  7. You are now ready to add fields to your document.
    1. In the Add a recipient field, enter the recipient's name or email address. Slide the Specify Signing Order button to the right so that you can specify the signing order of your recipients if you have more than one signer. 

      Tip: For additional instructions on adding or modifying a recipient(s), read Box's article Sending a document for signature, Steps 2 and 3: Adding and modifying a recipient.
    2. From the Signature & Fields section, click and drag the fields you want to add to your document
    3. Next, you may enable Email Notifications by sliding the Send automatic reminders option to the right. You may enter a subject and message as part of the notification.
      Graphical user interface, text, application, chat or text messageDescription automatically generated
    4. Under Options, you may save your document as a template. Enter the File Name, set an expiration date under the Expire after drop-down menu, then select the Save As Template button.
  8. Select Send Request.
  9. Select the checkbox next to By checking this box you: then read and accept the Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure, Terms of Service, and Privacy Policy. Next, select select Accept & Continue.
    Agreement Terms Options
  10. Sign your document with a previously adopted signature or draw or type another signature, then select Sign and Finish.
  11. You will see a pop-up message displaying, "You will receive an email with the signed document and signing log after all parties have signed."
    Pop-up message after request is sent
  12. Your lists of Sent Requests and My Requests appear on your screen. Also, you have the option to start a New Request and view Templates.

    Tip: You can check the status of your request on this same screen. The title of your document displays in your lists of sent requests. The list view shows the Title, Sent Date, Last Updated Date, and Status of your document. The status of your recently saved document is noted as "In Progress" until it has been signed by your signer(s).

Sign an Electronic Signature Request

Note: You do not have to have a Box account to sign the document. 

As a recipient of a Box Sign request, you will receive an email from the requestor containing a link to the document you are to sign. Follow the instructions below to get started.

  1. Open the email and select the Review Document button. Your default browser application should open a new tab where the "terms of agreement" will be displayed. Tip: Have your default browser before you select the Review Document button.
  2. Read the Electronic Record and Signature, Terms of Service, and Privacy Policy. Place a checkmark in the box next to By checking this box you: then select Accept & Continue.
  3. Select Begin in the top right corner.
  4. Box Sign guides you through the signing process by automatically moving your cursor to each field to be filled in.
    E-sign field prompts
  5. Sign or initial the signature fields as prompted. You can draw, type or upload one of your saved initials or signatures, or adopt your new signature or initials.
    Box to add signature or initials
  6. Select Next in the top right corner. Box Sign moves you to the next field (e.g., full name, print name, date, title) to complete.
  7. Once all the fields are populated, select Sign & Finish.
  8. You will receive a "finished" notification. To check the status of the request, select Go to My Account at the top right of your screen.
    TextDescription automatically generated with low confidence
  9. You will receive an email notification that all signers have signed, and the signee(s) and you will receive a signed copy of the document once all parties have signed.

View and Download the E-Signature Log

Each time you electronically e-sign an e-document, it creates a Signature Log file for your requests. The signature log is the audit trail of a signed document and provides a record of signature(s) and approvals on the document as well as information about authentication other than for in-person signature. You can download the Signature Log for any of your requests by completing these steps:

  1. Select Sign on the left navigation bar to see a list of documents you have e-signed.
  2. Select the file you want to download and the related Signature Log. Select the ellipses (...) next to View Detail on the right to display More Options.
  3. Select More Options then select Download signature log from the drop-down menu.
    Download Signature Log Option
    Tip: You can download, save, or delete the document from this drop-down menu.
  4. The file name appears at the bottom of your screen or you may be prompted to save it to a location of your choice depending on your browser.

Related Resources

For additional information on Box Sign, read these related knowledge articles created by Box.