Create a Quiz in Canvas with New Quizzes


Create New Quiz

New Question Types

Item Banks


Moderate Tab


Instructure has released New Quizzes, a new assessment engine LTI tool for Canvas. New Quizzes offers several new features and question types. New Quizzes is still in development after concerns that several key features in Classic quizzes are not available in New Quizzes. Both tools will continue to be available until New Quizzes has achieved feature parity with Canvas Quizzes. The original Canvas Quizzes tool will eventually be retired, but Instructure has not yet announced the timeline.

Please see the following for more information about New Quizzes:

Create New Quiz

During this transition phase, when creating a quiz in a Canvas course, users will now have the option to choose Classic Quizzes or New Quizzes. This will allow users to become acquainted with the New Quizzes features before fully moving to New Quizzes.  

  1. Be sure to enable New Quizzes in Course Settings > Feature Options.

  2. From the Quizzes page in your Canvas course site, select +Quiz.

  3. This will open up a Choose a Quiz Engine pop-up box. From here you can choose between Classic and New Quizzes.

    Classic Quizzes is the original quizzing tool. Classic Quizzes will eventually be phased out. You can review Instructure’s Migration plan. New Quizzes is the new quizzing tool. Beginning in the Summer of 2024, this will be the default option for creating quizzes.

    Graphic New Quiz option

  4. Fill in the Assignment details.

    Assignment graphic
  5. Select Build to enter New Quizzes.
    1. The other options will save (or cancel) and take you back to the Quizzes list page.
    2. You will select Build any time you want to interact with your quiz/exam, such as accessing the Settings or Moderate options.

      Canvas Build option graphic
  6. To add a question, select the blue circle with + in it under the Add Instructions area.​​​​​​

  7. Select a question type from the pop-up menu, then fill in the question details. 

    Question type graphic

    1. Note: Every time you click outside of a text box, your changes will auto-save. Remember to choose Cancel if you were not intending to make and save changes, or if you do not wish to save the changes you've made.

  8. Select Return in the top-right corner at any time to go back to your course or development site.

New Question Types

You will find several changes to questions in New Quizzes, such as adding new question types and modifying how some Classic Quiz question types work. Below we highlight the major changes, along with guides that link to in-depth detail about all the question types.

  1. Categorization – This question type has three components: (1) categories, which is where students will drag and place their answers; (2) answers, where you will create the answers under the applicable category; and (3) distractors, which are incorrect answers that do not apply to any category. For more information, see the guide How do I create a Categorization question in New Quizzes?

  2. Fill in the blank – Type a statement of any length and convert words or phrases into a blank space (from the students' perspective). Canvas now includes three entry types for student answers: Open Entry (typing), Dropdown, and Word Bank. Additionally, Canvas has improved the auto-grading function for Open Entry answers. Instead of Classic Quizzes' exact match, which was the only available option, New Quizzes now offers five different matching options:
    • The entry Contains the expected word or phrase.The entry is Close Enough. You define the Levenshtein Distance to make this determination.
    • The Levenshtein Distance is the minimum number of single-character edits required to change one word to another.
    • The entry is an Exact Match. This is the same functionality currently used in Classic Quizzes.
    • Specify Correct Answers
    • Regular Expression Match
    • For more information, see the guide How do I create a Fill in the Blank question in New Quizzes?

  3. Hot Spot – Upload an image, set a hot spot, and have the student locate an area on the image. You can use three shapes to create a hot spot on the image: rectangle, circle, and polygon. The polygon shape forms the lines from where you click to make an outline for a unique shape. The following image types are allowed for hot spots: BMP, GIF, JPG/JPEG, and PNG.​ For more information, see the guide How do I create a Hot Spot question in New Quizzes?

  4. Matching – This question type has three components: question stem, corresponding answer, and distractors. Students will match answers to the question stem while ignoring the distractors. For more information, see the guide How do I create a Matching question in New Quizzes?
    • Note: Some institutions have cited technical issues for testers when quotation marks are used in matching questions.

  5. ​​​Numeric – This question type must have a numeric answer, and the answer requirements can be changed to fit your preferences. For more information, see the guide How do I create a Numeric question in New Quizzes?

  6. Ordering – When answering ordering questions, students drag their answers to be in the correct order. You can add a top or bottom label to clarify the order of answers. For more information, see the guide How do I create an Ordering question in New Quizzes?

  7. Stimulus – The stimulus option allows you to attach instructions, information, or passages to one or more questions. Stimulus content replaces the Text (no question) option found in Classic Quizzes. Stimulus content is not visible unless it is attached to one or more questions. For more information, see the guide How do I insert stimulus content in New Quizzes?

More information for each question type can be found in these guides:

Item Banks

Canvas has made numerous changes and improvements to question banks (now called item banks).

  1. Item banks are now associated with the person who created them and can be shared with other users or with a course site, although the process is no longer automatic.

  2. Item banks are easier to access.

  3. Questions can now be added directly to item banks; they do not have to be created within the bank itself. In editing mode, below the question, select the Item Banking tab and then select Add to Bank.

  4. You can now search for individual banks or questions in your item banks area and filter the results. You can also add Tags and other Metadata to your banks or questions, which helps you search for items with similar characteristics if you do not remember the titles.

More information about item banks can be found in these guides:


In New Quizzes, you can access settings from two areas. When you select a quiz, you will see the basic settings such as points or the Assign field (including availability dates).

New Quizzes settings graphic

The second option provides a more detailed view of settings. To see quiz-specific settings, you will need to access the New Quizzes edit area.

  1. Enter your quiz/exam by selecting your Quiz name, then Build in the bottom right-hand corner.

  2. Select the Settings tab in the top left-hand corner.
    Quiz settings options

More information about Settings can be found in these guides:

Moderate Tab

The moderate tab's functions contain the same information found in Classic quizzes but with additional details.