Assign LinkedIn Learning Courses to Your Students Through Canvas

LinkedIn Learning, formerly, is now integrated with Canvas. You can assign a LinkedIn Learning course or learning path to your students through Canvas and give them points for completion. If you are unfamiliar with learning paths, see the video Gaining Skills with LinkedIn Learning.

To create a Canvas Assignment incorporating a course or learning path, follow the steps below.

  1. Create an Assignment in your Canvas course. You can do this either from the Assignments tab or directly within a Module. Be sure that the point value is not set to 0 if you want students to receive a score in the Canvas Gradebook.
  2. In the drop-down menu for Submission Type, choose External Tool.
    Submission type image
  3. Select the Find button to browse through a list of available tools.
    Find External tool drop down image
  4. Select LinkedIn Learning to open the tool.
    Linked In Learning External tool selection image
  5. You will see a dialog box with several options for finding LinkedIn Learning content. You can use the search bar at the top to search for a course; select from the most popular topics at UChicago; or go to the History tab to find your past courses.
    Linked In History image
  6. From your search results, you can choose a course or learning path to add to your Canvas Assignment. You can also filter the search results by language, content type, content level (Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced), etc., using the Filter results sidebar. When you have found the course or learning path you wish to add, select the Add button. Note that you can only add one course or learning path per Canvas Assignment.
    LinkedIn Course selection
  7. When you are ready to add the course or learning path, scroll down and select the blue Confirm button.
    Confirm course image
  8. You will be returned to the list of External Tools. Select the maroon Select button.
    Configure External tool image
  9. You will now be returned to the Assignments page. We recommend that you make sure that the Load this tool in a new tab box is checked. This will help ensure that your students have sufficient screen space to view the video or videos you have assigned.
    External Tool Entry box
  10. Select the Save button to save your work, or the Save and Publish button if you are ready to make the Assignment available to your students.

When a student begins the Assignment, they will be prompted to open the course or learning path in a new tab. They can then watch the videos and receive credit in the Canvas Gradebook for completing the course or learning path.

Image LinkedIn assignment in Gradebook