The following guide is intended for Subaward Administrators who are looking to view or complete any of the following actions:
• Approve or reject subaward requisition.
Subaward: When a sponsored project needs to outsource a portion of the overall research effort, an approved subaward purchase requisition is the financial commitment to the subrecipient.
Steps: Approve or Reject a Subaward Requisition
1. Login using Company Single Sign-On to access your Oracle account.
2. Select the Notification Bell icon.
3. Select Approve Requisition.
4. Review Requisition details, including:
· Amount
· Supplier
· Supplier Site – Should be labeled "Subaward"
· Any attachments
· Note: The approver should click on the requisition number hyperlink to review the actual requisition record.
5. Select the Approve or Reject button.
6. Select the Submit button.
· Note: If you are rejecting a requisition, please add a rationale in the comment section.
You have now completed the process of Approving or Rejecting a Requisition.