BuySite - Creating Standing Orders


Standing Orders are used to facilitate recurring purchases to the same vendor over a period-of- time.  

Use the Standing Purchase Order (SPO) Request form to request that a SPO be established and used with a specific supplier for on-going purchases made throughout the term identified. A SPO is for goods and services for a total not-to-exceed purchase order value. In order to initiate a SPO, a contract or pricing list should already be established. Boldfaced fields are required in order to submit the requisition.

Generally, Standing Orders are not available for catalog suppliers.  See the Suppliers Contract for more details on the ordering process.

As a best practice Standing Orders should only utilize one-line item.

The steps below outline how to create a Standing Order.

Creating a Standing Order

  1.  Click the Create a Standing Order tile


  1.  Type the vendor’s name in the text box next to Enter Supplier (for Agile One, please see the BuySite – Agile One Standing Order Process video)
  2.  In the text box provided type PO Notes to Supplier
    1. Example could be instructions on how to check into the building or contact information

  1.  When applicable, follow the steps below to add External Attachments or Internal Attachments
    1. External Attachments are documents shared with the vendor (ex: existing price quote or contract)
    2. Internal Attachments are documents shared within the university (ex: Price Reasonableness form or Sole Justification form)

    1. Select the Add Attachments hyperlink for the appropriate attachment type
    2. Click Select Files…

    1. Double click the file you wish to attach

    1. Click Save Changes

  1. In the text box, type Estimated PO Total.  This should be the total amount being spent over time.  This will be the amount approved by the Authorized Signer.
  2. Using the calendar widget, select the Effective Start Date and Effective End Date
  3. If applicable, use the text box to reference the Previous PO Number


  1. Under Line Item Details (as best practice there should only be one-line item per Standing Order), provide the following information:
    1. Product Description for the good or service being requested
    2. Unit Price of the good or service (ex: total price of individual product or price stated on contract)
    3. Quantity you require of the good/services (total should equal 1 or greater)
      1. Note: When adding a line item all fields must be filled out