This document provides newly hired workers directions on how to complete onboarding tasks in Workday.
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· Workday is the University of Chicago’s Human Resources Information System.
· There are new hire tasks that require completion in Workday before your start date.
· To get started, you need to activate your CNET ID.
· All new hires who are not U.S. Citizens or Permanent Residents must create and complete a Sprintax Calculus profile. This profile requires entering immigration information by uploading documents such as the I-20, DS-2019, I-797, current I-94 form, work authorization documents, etc. Sprintax Calculus will then perform the Substantial Presence Test and generate necessary forms such as the W8BEN or W9. Sprintax Calculus REPLACES the existing UPP-192 Alien Determination of Residency document.
· It is recommended that new hires complete their Sprintax Calculus profile in advance to enable them to upload necessary documents to Workday when completing their Onboarding tasks.
· HRPs MUST email the Foreign Tax Analyst at to request the activation of Sprintax accounts for new hires who are foreign nationals. After this step is completed, new hires will receive an email containing an activation link that they MUST use to create their Sprintax Calculus profile. It is crucial to use the exact link from this activation email to ensure their accounts are automatically connected to the University.
· New hires may refer to the Sprintax Forms & Calculus Individual Users FAQ page for any questions regarding this process.
· For additional inquiries or troubleshooting, both HRPs and new hires should contact the Foreign Tax Analyst at
· Onboarding tasks in Workday can be completed in any order and are as follows:
· State and Local Withholding Elections
· Federal Withholding Elections
· Change Emergency Contacts
· Enter Contact Information
· Review Documents
· Veteran Status Identification
· Disability Self-Identification
· Complete Form I-9
· Complete Questionnaire
· ID Change
· Enter Personal Information
· Change Year-End Tax Document Printing Options
· Onboarding is not complete until all onboarding tasks are cleared from My Tasks.
· For information on how to log in and out of Workday and for login troubleshooting, review the Logging In and Out of Workday Knowledge Base Article.
1. Log into Workday using your CNetID and password.
2. Select Menu in the top-left corner and choose the New Hire Tasks application.
3. A message will appear; select the button that says Take Me There.
4. In the Onboarding Landing Page, you will find a Welcome section and Your Onboarding Checklist section.
a. Under Welcome:
i. Select the What to complete before your first day message and review the information shown in the pop-up window.
ii. Select the Important Information for Benefits Eligible Employees message and review the information show in the pop-up window.
iii. Select and review any additional messages that may appear in this section
b. Under Your Onboarding Checklist,
i. Select View Inbox to be brought to My Tasks to view and complete each onboarding task.
ii. IMPORTANT: Every task must be completed in its entirety. If any step remains in an incomplete status, your new hire information cannot be sent to human resources for processing. The onboarding process is complete when there are no action items left in My Tasks and your New Hire Tasks application has disappeared.
1. Within My Tasks, select the task labeled State Tax Election. The State and Withholding Form Type fields auto-populate. If these fields are incorrect, use the Hamburger Menu (icon with three dots and three dashes) to update and accurately reflect the state you work in. Select OK.
a. This task may also be labeled Complete State and Local Withholding Elections.
2. Scroll to the state-specific W-4 Data section (i.e. Illinois IL-W-4 Data) to enter Basic Allowances, Additional Allowances, and Additional Amount.
3. Checkmark if you are Exempt from state and local income tax.
4. Review the Legal Notice and checkmark the I Agree box to confirm the accuracy of the information being submitted.
5. Select Submit to confirm your elections.
1. Within My Tasks, select the task labeled Federal Tax Election to begin the election process.
a. This task may also be labeled Complete Federal Withholding Elections.
2. Under W-4 Data, complete the applicable steps. Steps 1 and 5 are required; only complete Steps 2 – 4 if applicable.
a. Step 1: Select Marital Status from the drop-down menu.
b. Step 2: If you have multiple jobs or your spouse works, checkmark the box labeled Multiple Jobs or Spouse Works.
c. Step 3: Claim dependents by indicating the Number of Qualifying Children Under Age 17, Number of Other Dependents, and Override Total Dependent Amount.
i. Dependents can only be claimed if your total income will be $200,000 or less ($400,000 or less if married filing jointly).
d. Step 4: Complete Other Adjustments, if applicable
i. (a) Other Income (not from jobs)
ii. (b) Deductions
iii. (c) Extra Withholding
iv. Exempt
v. Nonresident Alien
e. Step 5: Review the Legal Notice and checkmark the box next to I Agree.
3. Select Submit.
1. Within My Tasks, select the task labeled Change Emergency Contacts to begin the process.
2. Enter at least one Primary Emergency Contact. The Legal Name, Relationship, and Primary Phone OR Primary Email are required. Add any additional details, as you see fit.
3. If desired, under Alternate Emergency Contacts select Add to include alternate contacts.
4. Once all primary and alternate emergency contacts are added, select Submit.
1. Within My Tasks, select the task labeled Enter Contact Information to begin the process.
2. Review Home Contact Information for accuracy and make any necessary changes.
a. You can also add an Additional Address, an Additional Phone, or an Additional Email.
b. If Home Contact Information is not automatically filled in, manually enter it by selecting the Add button.
3. Review Work Contact Information. You will be unable to edit this section.
4. Once information is verified, select Submit.
1. Within My Tasks, select the task labeled Onboarding to begin. Task will indicate Review Documents at the top of the page.
2. Under Documents, review the following documents and then checkmark the I Agree boxes next to each:
a. Policy Acknowledgement Form
b. Department of Children & Family Services Form
c. Treatment of Information and read the Instructions (non-student employees)
d. Student Worker Confidentiality Agreement (student employees only)
e. Intellectual Property Agreement and Assignment
3. Select Submit.
1. Within My Tasks, select the task labeled Veteran Status Identification to begin the process.
2. Review the information at the top of the task.
3. Within the Veteran Status drop-down menu, select your applicable veteran status. Options include:
a. I Identify as one or more of the classifications of protected veteran listed above
b. I am not a protected veteran
c. I do not wish to self-identify
4. Select Submit to finish this task.
1. Within My Tasks, select the task labeled Disability Self-Identification to begin the process.
2. Review the information under Why are you being asked to complete this form? and under How do you know if you have a disability?
3. Next, check one of the boxes to indicate your disability status. Options include:
a. Yes, I have a disability, or have had one in the past.
b. No, I do not have a disability and have not had one in the past.
c. I do not want to answer.
4. Select Submit to finish this task.
1. Within My Tasks, select the task labeled Complete Form I-9 to begin the process.
2. Open and review the Form I-9 Instructions before completing this process.
3. Under Section 1, most information will pre-populate. Fill in any remaining fields that are blank under Employee Information and Attestation.
a. Foreign National employees should NOT enter a placeholder Social Security Number in this field.
4. Checkmark the applicable citizenship status.
a. If you select A noncitizen (other than Item Numbers 2. and 3. above) authorized to work until (exp. date, if any) you will need to provide supporting information below the attestation.
5. Under Signature of Employee, checkmark the I Agree box.
6. Under Supplement A. Preparer and/or Translator Certification for Section 1, indicate if a preparer or translator was used by checking the applicable box.
a. If a preparer or translator was used, indicate how many preparers or translators were used in the How Many field, and then have the preparer/translator checkmark the I Agree box and fil in all fields under Signature of Preparer or Translator.
7. Select Submit to complete this task.
1. Within My Tasks, select the task labeled Onboarding to begin. Task will indicate Complete Questionnaire at the top of the page.
2. Indicate whether you have been previously employed by an Affiliated Employer of the University of Chicago by checking Yes or No.
a. If you select Yes, include your previous Position Title and Dates of Service in the corresponding boxes.
3. Select Submit to finish this task.
1. Within My Tasks, select the task labeled ID Change to begin the process. Task will indicate Edit Government IDs at the top of the page.
2. Under the Proposed IDs section, select the plus sign within the National IDs table to add a new ID.
a. For new hires, please enter your Social Security Number under the National IDs section of this page.
i. Country = United States of America
ii. National ID Type = Social Security Number
iii. Add/Edit ID = Enter values of social security number
b. For foreign national employees, please enter your Social Security Number if you have one. If you do not have a Social Security Number, please enter your ITIN.
i. Country = United States of America
ii. National ID Type = Social Security Number OR U.S. Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN)
· Foreign national employees that have been issued a temporary placeholder SSN should enter that number in place of the Social Security Number. Once the permanent Social Security Number has been issued, navigate back to this task to replace the Placeholder with the permanent SSN.
iii. Add/Edit ID = Enter values of social security number or ITIN
3. Select Submit to complete this task.
1. Within My Tasks, select the task labeled Enter Personal Information to begin the process.
2. Under Change Personal Information, use the pencil icon to edit each section and to enter your applicable information.
3. Information includes Gender, Date of Birth, Marital Status, Race/Ethnicity, and Citizenship Status. Gender, Date of Birth, and Citizenship Status are required.
a. For Citizenship Status, please indicate your citizenship status as it relates to the United States of America. Select the search prompt and select By Country. Further select United States of America and choose from the statuses listed. If you are unsure of your status, select Unknown.
i. IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR FOREIGN NATIONAL EMPLOYEES: By selecting a citizenship status other than U.S. Citizen or Permanent Resident, another task (Complete and Upload UPP-192 Form) will appear in My Tasks. This task will instruct you to upload the following documents:
· Sprintax Calculus Summary.
· Relevant Immigration Documents (e.g., I-20, DS-2019, I-797, current I-94 form, work authorization documents, SSN/SSN receipt).
· Current I-94 form.
· W8BEN or W9 (generated by Sprintax).
· Please contact your HR Administrator for more information on these forms.
4. Select Submit to finish this task.
1. Within My Tasks, select the task labeled Change Year-End Tax Document Printing Options to begin the process.
2. Review the Instructions and then select the button that states My Tax Documents.
3. Select the Edit button to update your printing elections.
a. To the right of New Election select the radio button next to Receive electronic copy of my Year End Tax Documents option to receive an electronic copy of your W-2 only.
b. Review the Important Note and then select OK and then Done.
4. Return to My Tasks and re-locate the task labeled Change Year-End Tax Document Printing Options.
5. In the task, select Submit only after you’ve gone through steps 2 and 3. This will complete the process for you.