Adding/Changing Payment Elections in Workday


This document explains how to add and/or change payment elections in Workday.

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Keep in Mind

· You can have up to six Regular payment elections

· You can have only one payment election for Expense Reimbursements.

Adding Payment Elections Steps

1. Log into Workday using your CNetID and password.

2. Select Menu in the top-left corner and choose the Benefits and Pay application.

3. Under Tasks and Reports, select Payment Elections.

4. Within the Payment Elections page, review the Accounts table to see current payment elections. Select Add to include a new account for payment election (i.e. how your pay will be distributed).

a. If this is your first time adding an account, please specify your preferred payment method (direct deposit or check) for Regular, Expense Reimbursement, Fiscal Year End, and Calendar Year payments.

5. In the Account Information section, complete the following:

a. Account Type – Select Checking or Savings

b. Routing Transit Number – please type carefully; invalid routing numbers will not be accepted.

c. Account Number – please type carefully

d. Bank Name

e. Bank Identification Code (optional)

f. Account Nickname (optional) – helpful in distinguishing between accounts.

6. Select OK to save your entries and return to the Payment Elections screen.

a. Your payment elections will default to paying 100% into your newly added account. To change this, please first add any other accounts you would like to receive payment, and then follow the Changing Payment Elections Steps section of this document.

Changing Payment Elections Steps

1. Log into Workday using your CNetID and password.

2. Select Menu in the top-left corner and choose the Benefits and Pay application.

3. Under Tasks and Reports, select Payment Elections.

4. Within the Payment Elections page scroll down to the Payment Elections table and select Edit to the right of the Pay Type that requires changing.

5. On the Payment Election screen, make updates to the applicable fields. These include Payment Type, Account, and *Balance / Amount / Percent information.

6. Select the plus-sign to add additional accounts. You can only select accounts that have already been added.

a. To add new accounts for payment election, please refer to the Adding Payment Elections Steps section of this document.

7. If more than one payment election is listed, make sure the *Balance / Amount / Percent information reflects the accurate distribution of your payment preferences.

8. Select OK to save your entries and return to the Payment Elections screen.