Changing Year End Tax Document Printing Elections in Workday


This document provides employees directions on how to change their year-end tax document printing elections in Workday.

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Keep in Mind

· Tax document printing elections will default to "Receive both electronic and paper copies of my Year End Tax Documents".

· When employees submit their consent to only receive an electronic copy, it will remain valid for all future tax years or until consent is revoked (so this process does not need to be repeated).

· Online statements require a computer with Internet access and Adobe Reader to view and print the tax document.


1. Log into Workday using your CNetID and password.

2. Select Menu in the top-left corner and choose the Benefits and Pay App.

3. Under Tasks and Reports, select My Tax Documents.

4. To update current year end tax document printing election, select the Edit button under the Printing Election column in the Tax Forms Printing Elections table.

5. The Change Year End Tax Documents Printing Elections screen will pop up. In the New Election section, indicate the printing preference by choosing one of the following options:

a. Receive electronic copy of my Year End Tax Documents.

b. Receive both electronic and paper copies of my Year End Tax Documents.

6. Read the disclaimer text carefully and select OK to proceed with the election.

7. A confirmation page will appear indicating the chosen option. Select the Done button to complete the process.