This document provides HR Partners (HRPs) directions on how to update the work location or work space of employees in Workday.
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· A location is defined as a building, and a work space is an occupiable room in a building (it can be an office, cubicle, lab, or other campus work location).
· If an employee has multiple positions assigned, indicate a work space for each of those roles.
· If an employee has more than one work space for only one position, indicate the work space where they are located most often.
· For employees continuously splitting time between remote work and working on-site within a week, it is important to designate the remote work address and update their work space in Workday. The remote work address will trump the work address and be used for their state and local income tax withholding.
· Update the employee’s work space when the employee returns to working on-site, has a job change, changes work space locations, has an add job, or as the position is created.
· With hybrid or fully remote work options, it is imperative that worker location is entered correctly in Workday.
1. Log into Workday using your CNetID and password.
2. To change an employee’s work location (when the employee will begin working in a different building, or if they need to be designated as “Hoteling” or “No Fixed Permanent Location”):
a. Navigate to the worker’s profile by typing their name in the search box at the top of the screen and select the appropriate record that appears below the search box.
b. Within the employee’s profile, select the Actions button located under their name and title on the left-side of the page.
c. From the drop-down menu, select Job Change, and then Change Location to start the process. The screen Change Location will show up.
d. Scroll down to the Start Details section and select the Pencil icon to edit.
i. Use the calendar icon or type in a date in the prompt box under the question When do you want this change to take effect? to select the effective date. If the change is to be effective starting the next pay period, check the box under the question Do you want to use the next pay period? This will update the first field automatically.
ii. Select the Hamburger Menu (the icon with 3 dots and 3 dashes) to the right of the prompt box under the question Why are you making this change? and choose Data Change. Then choose Data Change: Change Work Location.
iii. Use the Hamburger Menu to the right of the prompt box under the question Where will this person be located after this change? to find and select the new location. Alternatively, type the location into this field and press Enter.
iv. Select Start.
e. Select the Pencil icon to edit the Location Details section.
i. The Location field auto populates with the location selected in the previous step. Change it if needed.
ii. Use the Hamburger Menu to the right of the Work Space prompt box to find the employee’s work place.
1. Depending on the work space types configured for the specific location, the options displaying after selecting the Hamburger Menu will be different. Some alternatives can be: Work Spaces by Floor, Work Spaces by Office, Work Spaces by Laboratory, Work Spaces by Health Care, Work Spaces by Library, Work Spaces by Shop.
2. It is also possible to search by room number. Type the room number into the Work Space field and press Enter.
iii. Fill out the Scheduled Weekly Hours field.
iv. Select Next.
f. Go to the Administrative section and select the Pencil icon to make edits.
i. Add or edit the Default Weekly Hours if necessary.
ii. Select Next.
g. Carefully review the Summary page to ensure all the information is correct and all desired changes have been captured. If a section needs to be modified, select the Pencil icon to do it.
h. Select Submit to complete the process.
3. To change an employee’s work space (when the employee changes the place where they work, but stays in the same building):
a. In the search box at the top of the screen, type “Change Work Space”, and select the suggested task that appears below the search box.
b. Use the Hamburger Menu to the right of the Worker prompt box to find the employee or type the employee’s name into the Worker field and press Enter.
c. Select OK.
d. The Change Work Space screen will show up. Effective Date, Position and Location will auto-populate.
i. Effective Date field defaults to the date when the business process is being initiated. Use the calendar icon or type in the information to change this default date.
ii. If a worker holds more than one position, use the Hamburger Menu to the right of the Position prompt box to select the job for which a change in the workspace is required.
e. Use the Hamburger Menu to the right of the Work Space prompt box to find the employee’s work place.
i. Depending on the work space types configured for the specific location, the options displaying after selecting the Hamburger Menu will be different. Some alternatives can be: Work Spaces by Floor, Work Spaces by Office, Work Spaces by Laboratory, Work Spaces by Health Care, Work Spaces by Library, Work Spaces by Shop.
ii. It is also possible to search by room number. Type the room number into the Work Space field and press Enter.
f. Select Submit, and then select Done to complete the process.
· To change an employee’s work location (when the employee will begin working in a different building) AND another aspect of the worker’s job (i.e., supervisory organization, end date, job profile, scheduled hours, etc.), please review the Changing a Job in Workday Knowledge Base Article.