This document provides workers directions on how to use the Web Clock in Workday to clock in and out.
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· If you work on a set schedule, you are given a six-minute grace period on either side of your scheduled start and end times. There is no need to check in and check out for lunch if you are on a set schedule that includes lunch breaks.
· If you are on an open schedule, you will not have a six-minute grace period on either side of your scheduled start and end times. On an open schedule, you will have to check in and out for lunch.
· If you forget to check in or check out, consult with your manager, time approver, or HR partner immediately.
1. Log into Workday using your CNetID and password.
2. Select the Menu in the top-left corner and choose the Time application.
3. Under the Time Clock section, select Check In to start the web clock at the beginning of your work period.
4. A pop-up window will appear.
a. Worker, Date, Time, and Time Zone will auto-populate.
b. If you have multiple positions, it is very important you select the correct Position on this screen. This will ensure you are clocking the correct hours for the specific position you are working that day.
c. Fill in the Time Type field with the correct value using the Hamburger Menu (icon with three dots and three dashes). This defaults to Worked Time.
d. Select OK.
5. A confirmation window stating your check in was successful will display along with a time stamp. Select Done to complete the process.
a. The Time Clock section of the Time application will now display the time checked in.
6. To check out of the web clock at the end of your work period, go to the Time application in Workday and select Check Out under the Time Clock section.
7. A pop-up window will appear.
a. Worker, Date, Time, and Time Zone will auto-populate.
b. If you have multiple positions, it is very important that you select the correct Position on this screen. This will ensure you are clocking the correct hours for the specific position you are working that day.
c. Select the Reason of Meal or Out.
d. Select OK.
8. A confirmation window stating your check out was successful will display along with a time stamp. Select Done to complete the process.
a. The Time Clock section of the Time application will now display the time checked out.
9. Time must be reviewed and submitted based on the frequency set by your Time Approver or Supervisor. Check with them to determine when you should submit your time using the following steps:
a. Within the Time application, under the Enter Time section, select This Week (## Hours).
b. Select Review on the right-side of the page to submit time.
c. A Submit Time confirmation screen will appear with the date range, and total hours that you are about to submit to your Time Approver. Review the details of the screen and then select Submit.
i. You can enter in any comments if needed in the Comment section.