This document provides workers directions on how to log into and out of Workday as well as troubleshooting steps if a worker is unable to login.
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· The Workday application requires a computer and access to the internet.
· You must have a CNetID and Password to access Workday.
· If you need a CNetID, view the CNetID Overview Knowledge Base Article to create your CNetID and Password.
· To enable Two Factor Authentication (2FA) for enhanced security, select here.
1. Make sure your Browser Supports Workday. Chrome is the preferred browser.
a. Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Safari, Opera, and the BlackBerry Browser all update automatically, and Workday runs best on the latest version. For Internet Explorer, users should make sure that they are using IE 11. Earlier versions are not supported.
b. If you have questions about your browser contact your local IT Service desk or IT Services (773-702-5800).
i. For Booth School of Business, please contact
2. Go to Workday and select Log in located on the left-hand side of the page.
3. Within the Shibboleth portal login page, enter/confirm your CNetID and Password and select Verify.
4. You must verify with Duo Security Universal. Select Verify again. If authentication is needed, Duo will present a numeric code that you will need to type into your Duo Mobile app to confirm you are the person attempting to log into the UChicago application.
a. Note: If you attempt to log into a UChicago application from a non-University virtual private network (VPN) or a location different than where you normally log in, you may be required to provide a different method of authentication verification—for example, using a smartphone with a six-digit numeric passcode; biometric identification (i.e., Apple Face ID and Touch ID or Windows Hello); or a hardware token.
5. When you have finished using Workday, always be sure to log out. To sign out, select the person icon in the upper right corner of the screen and choose Sign Out.
a. Note: If you do not log out and are not using the application, the system will automatically log you out after an inactive period of 20 minutes.
i. A warning/reminder pop up window will appear after 15 minutes of inactivity warning you it will log you out in 5 minutes.
· Workday Accessibility optimizes tasks for users on assistive technology, referencing standards set by:
· The W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1.
· Section 508 of the US Rehabilitation Act.
· ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute) EN 301 549.
· Workday accessibility features enable you and your users on assistive technology to:
· Use compatible assistive technology like a screen reader for text-to-speech output.
· Use keyboard support to navigate through Workday without a mouse.
· View Workday with high color and contrast, improving legibility for all users.
· Accessibility in Workday is available to all users upon signing into Workday and requires no additional configuration.
· You can familiarize yourself with accessibility in the Workday user interface, by searching the Accessibility Interaction Overview upon logging in.
· For more information, review the Accessibility in Workday Knowledge Base Article.
· If you are unable to log into Workday, and you can’t access other University services either (e.g., email, Teams, Intranet, etc.), there may be something wrong with your CNetID, password or Two Factor Authentication (2FA). In this case, contact IT Services for assistance.
· If you are trying to access Workday from a mobile device or tablet, you should use Chrome, Safari Mobile (on the latest iOS phone), IE Mobile (on the latest Windows phone) or the BlackBerry Browser (on BlackBerry 10 phones). Older mobile devices or those running a different browser may not function correctly with Workday.
· Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Safari, Opera, and the BlackBerry Browser all update automatically, and Workday runs best on the latest version. For Internet Explorer, users should make sure that they are using IE 11. Earlier versions are not supported.
· Please note that the external career site does not support Opera or the BlackBerry Browser. Users attempting to access the external career site should choose one of the other browsers listed above.
· If you are still unable to access Workday, contact your Human Resources (HR) Partner and ask them to review and correct the following potential issues:
· CNetID Setup and Integration: If you are a recent new hire and are trying to access Workday for the first time, ask your HR Partner to confirm that the Edit Other IDs step of the Hire process has been complete and that your Chicago ID has been entered into Workday correctly. This ensures proper synchronization between Workday, related databases and your CNetID.
· If the HR Partner has completed the step above correctly, note that these systems synchronize three times a day, at approximately 10:00 a.m., 2:00 p.m., and 4:00 p.m., but updates may take up to 24 hours.
· If your CNetID begins with “t-9”, then you will be unable to log into Workday because your account was setup as temporary. Your Human Resource Partner can correct the hire business process.
· Name Discrepancies: Ask your HR Partner to confirm that your name in Workday matches your name in the UChicago Card and Account Tool (UCAT) system. The first name field, middle name field, and last name field must be the same in each system for the integration to work. Any discrepancies in spelling or name placement between Workday and UCAT will prevent you from logging into Workday.
· After 3 failed attempts to log in, the system will lock your account for a period of up to 30 minutes. Ensure your password is typed correctly after the 2nd log in attempt to avoid a system lockout.
· Please refer to the Your CNetID and Password or Passphrase FAQ Knowledge Base Article for questions about managing your CNetID and password.
· If you continue to experience login issues with Workday after you or your HR Partner have tried all the resolution steps above, please contact the F&A Knowledge and Support Center for additional troubleshooting at 773-702-5800 or submit an Ask a Human Resources Question form through ServiceNow.