This document provides HR Partners (HRPs) directions on how to change organization assignments for either a single employee or multiple workers/positions within a supervisory organization in Workday.
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· Organization assignments in Workday include all the groups a worker or position is associated with, such as the Company, the Supervisory Organization, the Pay Group, the Chart of Accounts (COA) segments, the Affiliates, and more. This setup is crucial as it connects workers or positions to specific organizational units, roles, and reporting structures within Workday.
· It is important to note that Project Cost Collection Segments (POETAF) cannot be used for Organization assignments as they are accounting segments used to collect business transaction details for capital projects, individual awards and discretionary funds (IADF), grants, and other internal projects.
· Organization assignments are initially established when a position is created and can be updated or modified when the position is edited, a worker is hired into the position, changes jobs, or has a new job added. For this reason, this task will appear in the Create Position, Edit Position Restrictions, Hire, Change Job, Add Job, and Move Workers (Supervisory) business processes. It can also be initiated as a stand-alone process.
· If needed, the chosen Chart of Accounts (COA) segments for the position can be overridden at the Worker and Position level, and/or the Worker, Position, and Earning level using the Assign Costing Allocations business process. Refer to the Assigning Costing Allocations in Workday Knowledge Base Article for details on this task.
· The information required to complete the process in Workday is:
· Chart of Account (COA) segments that will be used as the default level of funding for the position.
· The Chart of Accounts (COA) is a 10 segment string of numbers used to track income and spending at the University.
· The 10 segments that make up the COA string are: Entity, Organization, Account, Fund, Purpose, Program, Activity, Site, Affiliate, and Future.
· These segments translate into Workday as worktags, which have the same name except for Organization, which is called Cost Center in Workday.
· Out of these 10 segments, there are two, Affiliate and Future which are not used within Workday and therefore are not required for data entry.
· Since Program, Activity and Site are secondary segments, not all COA values will include them, as they are not required for every transaction.
· Additionally, the Account worktag is automatically generated in Workday once payroll is run and is not required for data entry.
· A position's organization assignments must match the organization assignments of the supervisory organization in which the position sits for the Entity, Cost Center, and Purpose segments. Attempting to change these values will cause an error, preventing submission.
· The name of the Affiliated Organization for employees and contingent workers who are affiliated with an established external organization (i.e., Argonne, Fermi Lab, Marine Biological Lab, etc.).
1. Log into Workday using your CNetID and password.
2. To change organization assignments for a single employee, follow these steps:
a. Navigate to the Employee’s Profile by typing their name or another unique identifier (Chicago ID, SSN, Employee ID, etc.) in the search box at the top of the screen. Select the appropriate suggested record that appears below the search box, or press Enter to run the complete search, and find the right employee.
i. Use the prefixes worker: or id: to refine the search results. For details on how to use prefixes, review the Workday Search Prefixes Knowledge Base Article.
b. Within the Employee’s Profile, select the Actions button located under their name and title on the left-side of the page. Hover over Organization and choose Change Organization Assignments.
c. The Change Organization Assignments screen will display. Enter the Effective Date by using the calendar icon or typing in a date in the corresponding prompt box and select OK.
d. Under the Organizations header select the Pencil icon to the right of the corresponding section to update the appropriate information as needed.
i. The Company field will auto-populate as the University of Chicago. This should not be modified.
ii. Ensure that the appropriate values for the Chart of Accounts (COA) segments are entered. If necessary, enter or update any of the following fields: Program, Fund, Activity, and Site.
1. Validation errors may occur if the values entered in these fields are not active or if the segments added are not a valid combination in Oracle. In such cases, collaborate with the department’s finance team to correct the error.
2. Values for the Cost Center, Purpose, and Entity fields must follow the organization assignments of the supervisory organization where the employee’s position sits. If these fields are edited, an error message will appear indicating the allowable values and preventing submission.
a. If the intent behind this update is to establish default funding, please enter a costing allocation instead of changing the organization assignment. Refer to the instructions in the Assigning Costing Allocations in Workday Knowledge Base article for details.
b. If these values are incorrect and must be updated, please submit an Ask a Human Resources Question request to have the organization assignments updated at the supervisory organization level.
iii. The Executive field should not be edited. This field is maintained at the central level.
iv. Only complete the Affiliated Organization field if the employee is affiliated with an established external organization, such as Argonne, Fermi Lab, Marine Biological Lab, etc. If there is no such affiliation, leave this field blank.
v. Fill in the Time and Absence Management Handling field only if it is applicable. If it is not, leave this field blank. When entering data, one or more values may be included, selecting from the options provided in the table below. However, ensure that multiple values within the same category are not selected, only choose one value from each category.
1. If the employee should not be considered for Chicago Paid Sick Leave, please select CPSL Eligibility Exceptions.
2. The options under the Less than 12 Month Indicator category should be used for non-union biweekly employees who take a department mandated leave for longer than a month annually. Selecting any of these alternative options impacts benefits calculations, costs, and coverage.
Category 1 |
Category 2 |
Category 3 |
Flex Time Values |
Less than 12 Month Indicator |
Time Clock User |
8 Flex Time Values - Has a default 8-hour day. - Will override scheduled weekly hours. |
9 Less than 12 Month Indicator - Position will last 9 months. |
C – Swipe Clock User - Uses swipe clock to record time. - No access to web clock or timesheet. |
10 Flex Time Values - Has a default 10-hour day. |
9.5 Less than 12 Month Indicator - Position will last 9.5 months. |
S – Web Clock/Time Entry User - Uses either web clock or timesheet. - Access to web clock and timesheet. |
12 Flex Time Values - Has a default 12-hour day. |
10 Less than 12 Month Indicator - Position will last 10 months. |
T – Time Entry Users - Enters time via timesheet. - No access to web clock but can edit timesheet. |
LP Flex Time Values - Eligible for Residence Halls lunch premium. |
10.5 Less than 12 Month Indicator - Position will last 10.5 months. |
NA Flex Time Values - Does not accrue time. |
11 Less than 12 Month Indicator - Position will last 11 months. |
ND Flex Time Values - Not eligible for daily overtime. |
11.5 Less than 12 Month Indicator - Position will last 11.5 months. |
NT Flex Time Values - Does not accrue time. - Not eligible for time tracking. |
TS Flex Time Values - Eligible for Temporary Summer Shutdown Stipend (TSSS). |
TL Flex Time Values - Eligible for both TSSS and Residence Halls lunch premium. |
TF Flex Time Values - Eligible for TSSS. - Not eligible for daily overtime. |
TB Flex Time Values - Eligible for TSSS and Residence Halls lunch premium. - Not eligible for daily overtime. |
vi. Once all changes have been made, select Submit. A message indicating the process has been successfully completed will pop up.
3. To change organization assignments for multiple workers/positions within a supervisory organization, follow these guidelines:
a. Find the supervisory organization by typing in the prefix org: and the name of the supervisory organization in the search box at the top of the screen, and then press the Enter key. A list of results associated with the search criteria will populate. Select the desired result.
b. From the Supervisory Organization screen, select the Related Actions icon (the icon made of a small rectangle with three dots in the middle) to the right of the organization’s name, hover over Organization and select Change Organization Assignments.
c. The Change Organization Assignments dialog box will pop up. Enter the Effective Date by using the calendar icon or typing in a date in the corresponding prompt box, confirm that the desired supervisory organization is selected, and choose OK.
d. On the Change Organization Assignments screen, only use the Select All option if planning to update all employees/positions within the supervisory organization with the same information. However, if only specific employees/positions need to be updated with the same details, scroll down the page, and locate the table containing the column headers of Assign Organizations, Worker, Position, etc. In the Assign Organizations column, check the boxes corresponding to the employees/positions whose organization assignments need updating.
e. Go to the Override Organization Assignments grid (on the top-right of the page), and under the Proposed Organizations column, use the Hamburger Menu (the icon with 3 dots and 3 dashes) to the right of the corresponding prompt boxes to update the appropriate information as needed.
i. If only some of the fields in the Override Organization Assignments grid are to be modified, it is important to re-enter the corresponding information into the appropriate boxes for any unchanged fields that previously had a value.
ii. The Company field should always indicate University of Chicago.
iii. Ensure that the appropriate values for the Chart of Accounts (COA) segments are entered. If necessary, enter or update any of the following fields: Program, Fund, Activity, and Site.
1. Validation errors may occur if the values entered in these fields are not active or if the segments added are not a valid combination in Oracle. In such cases, collaborate with the department’s finance team to correct the error.
2. The Cost Center, Purpose, and Entity fields cannot be edited by HRPs. If these fields are edited, an error message will appear, preventing submission. Currently, only the Workday Solution Team can update these fields. For updates to these fields, please submit an Ask a Human Resources Question request.
iv. Only complete the Affiliated Organization field if the employees/positions are affiliated with an established external organization, such as Argonne, Fermi Lab, Marine Biological Lab, etc. If there is no such affiliation, leave this field blank.
v. Fill in the Time and Absence Management Handling field only if it is applicable. If it is not, leave this field blank. When entering data, one or more values may be included, selecting from the options provided in the table shown above in step 2. However, ensure that multiple values within the same category are not selected, only choose one value from each category.
1. If the employees/positions should not be considered for Chicago Paid Sick Leave, please select CPSL Eligibility Exceptions.
vi. Once all changes have been made, select Submit. A message indicating the process has been successfully completed will pop up.
4. To view organizational assignments for an employee, follow these steps:
a. Navigate to the Employee’s Profile by typing their name or another unique identifier (Chicago ID, SSN, Employee ID, etc.) in the search box at the top of the screen. Select the appropriate suggested record that appears below the search box, or press Enter to run the complete search, and find the right employee.
i. Use the prefixes worker: or id: to refine the search results. For details on how to use prefixes, review the Workday Search Prefixes Knowledge Base Article.
b. Within the Employee’s Profile, select Job on the left-side of the page, and then go to the Organizations tab.