Managing Academic Appointments in Workday


This document provides directions to Academic Human Resource Partners (HRPs) on how to add, update, and end academic appointments in Workday for faculty and other academic appointees.

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Keep in Mind


· Academic Units store appointment information. They are like Supervisory Organizations, which store position information, but they function as separate organizations. If you have a role on the Academic Unit and not on the Supervisory Organization, you will only have access to view academic appointment data, but you will not be able to view compensation details, employment information, personal information, contact information, and more. If you have a role on the Supervisory Organization and not on the Academic Unit, you will not have access to view any appointment information for that unit.

· To view a worker’s academic appointments, navigate to their profile by clicking on the worker’s name. The first tab that will appear on the profile is the Academic tab and will list all appointments belonging to the worker.

· You can also navigate to the Academic Unit in which the individual has an Academic Appointment. All academic employees who have an academic appointment in that Academic Unit will be listed.

Adding Academic Appointments

· The Add Academic Appointment business process creates a new appointment on a worker’s record. The appointment may be primary or secondary. The Provost’s Office must approve all new academic appointments.

· Add Academic Appointment will always appear in the Hire business process. It can also be initiated on an ad hoc basis. Appointments may also be added as part of the Change Job business process.

· For out-of-track promotions, the former academic appointment must be ended before adding the new appointment. See the Changing a Job in Workday Knowledge Base Article for more information.

· Add Academic Appointment should not be used to process reappointments or make changes to existing appointments.

Updating Academic Appointments

· Update Academic Appointment should be used for all reappointments and other changes to existing appointments. It will also appear in the Change Job process, where it should be completed for in-track promotions and other data changes that affect both the appointment and the position.

· This process should not be used for out-of-track promotions. The former academic appointment must be ended, and a new academic appointment must be added. See the applicable sections of this document to end or add an appointment.

· This process should also be used to initiate a request for Stop the Clock.

· This process can be used to change the Academic Unit of an appointment, update the appointment end date, or change the appointment’s rank, title, identifier, or tenure status.

Ending Academic Appointments

· The End Academic Appointment business process should be used to end individual academic appointments when the appointment is over. Academic appointments will remain on the Current section of the Academic tab on the worker profile unless and until the End Academic Appointment process is completed.

· When promoting out-of-track, the former academic appointment must be ended prior to the new academic appointment being entered. See the Changing a Job in Workday Knowledge Base Article for more information.

· Ending an academic appointment will not affect whether a worker is paid or not. The academic appointment in Workday is not tied to compensation.

· If you need to end an employee’s current compensation, you will need to use the Requesting Compensation Changes in Workday or Managing Period Activity Pays in Workday Knowledge Base articles as applicable to remove the compensation plan, edit the Actual End Date, or stop the period activity pay.

· For terminations, the Provost’s Office will be responsible for ending any associated academic appointments.

Adding and Updating Academic Appointments Steps

1. Log into Workday using your CNetID and password.

2. Navigate to the worker’s profile by typing their name in the search box at the top of the screen and select the appropriate record that appears below the search box.

a. Adding and updating academic appointments can also be initiated by typing Add Academic Appointment or Update Academic Appointment within the search bar in Workday.

3. From the Employee Profile, select the Actions button, hover over Academic Faculty, and choose Add Academic Appointment or Update Academic Appointment. Depending on what action is needed, review step 3a or 3b before moving on to step 4.

a. If you are initiating the Add Academic Appointment process, complete the following fields before moving on to step 4:

i. Start Date

1. If the Add Academic Appointment process is part of a larger overall process, such as Hire, ensure that the Start Date matches the effective date from the overall process.

ii. Academic Unit

1. Remember that for most academic appointees, the Academic Unit of the primary appointment should correspond to the supervisory org of the position.

iii. Employment Position

1. If the Add Academic Appointment process is part of a larger overall process, such as Hire, ensure that the Employment Position matches the position from the overall process.

b. If you are initiating the Update Academic Appointment process, complete the following fields:

i. Academic Appointee

1. Auto-populates.

ii. Track

1. Auto-populates.

iii. Start Date

1. Date should always correspond with the start date of the appointment.

2. If the start date is not changing, enter the existing start date for the appointment. The date that is selected will automatically populate into the Start Date field on the next screen.

a. Note: The following soft alert will appear since you are updating the academic appointment: “This Academic Appointee already has an appointment with the same start date. If you select the same Appointment Start Date, your change replaces the existing appointment.”

3. Select OK.

4. Within the Update Academic Appointment screen, the Start Date, Academic Unit, and Employment Position will auto-populate. Proceed to Appointment Information.

4. Under Appointment Information, complete the following fields:

a. Track Type

i. Only track types available within the proposed Academic Unit will be available to select.

ii. Selecting a Track Type of Faculty or Retired Faculty will populate the Tenure Information section.

iii. When updating an appointment, this field will pre-populate. The Track Type field cannot be edited or corrected once it has been selected in the Add Academic Appointment process.

b. Track Type Category

i. Auto-populates once Track Type is chosen.

ii. When updating an appointment, this field will pre-populate. The Track Type Category field cannot be edited or corrected once it has been selected in the Add Academic Appointment process.

c. Reason

i. If adding an academic appointment, one of the New Appointment reasons can be selected.

1. New Appointment > Administrative Correction should only be used when the Add Academic Appointment process is undertaken to correct an error.

2. New Appointment > Change Tracks should be used when a worker is moving to a new track and the appointment on their previous track has been ended. Do not use New Appointment > Change Tracks if the worker did not have an academic appointment at the University of Chicago that was active immediately before this appointment.

3. New Appointment > Hire should be used when a worker who was not previously an active faculty member or academic at the University of Chicago is starting a new faculty or academic position. This will apply to outside hires who have never worked at the University as well as to staff, student, or temporary workers who are moving into a faculty or academic position.

4. New Appointment > New Appointment should be used when adding an additional/secondary appointment to a currently active faculty member or academic.

ii. If updating due to a reappointment or promotion, select the Update Academic Appointment > Review reason category to display the appropriate options.

1. Review > 3 Year Review should be used when an assistant professor is being reappointed for the first time.

2. Review > Reappointment should be used for all other reappointments.

3. Review > Tenure Earned should be used when updating a faculty member’s appointment to reflect an award of tenure.

4. Review > Promotion should be used when a faculty member or academic is being promoted to another rank within their current track.

iii. If updating due to a stop the clock memo, select the Update Academic Appointment > Stop the Clock reason category to display the appropriate options.

1. Stop the Clock > Child should be used if the stop the clock memo was granted due to paternal leave.

2. Stop the Clock > COVID should be used if the stop the clock memo was granted due to circumstances connected to COVID-19.

3. Stop the Clock > Medical-Self should be used if the stop the clock memo was granted due to the worker’s personal medical circumstances.

4. Stop the Clock > Medical-Other should be used if the stop the clock memo was granted due to the medical circumstances of someone else besides the worker.

5. Stop the Clock > Non-Medical Other should be used whenever stop the clock is granted for any reasons besides those detailed above.

iv. If updating due to another change in appointment data, select the Update Academic Appointment > Corrective reason category to display the appropriate options.

1. Corrective > Academic Unit Change should be used when this specific academic appointment needs to move to a new academic unit, such as during a transfer where the worker would remain on the same track but in a different department or sub-department.

2. Corrective > Appointment Identifier Change should be used when changing the appointment identifier from Primary to Secondary or vice versa. This may be necessary when a worker transfers to a department where they already have an active secondary appointment so that the previously secondary appointment becomes primary, but they maintain their formerly primary appointment as a newly secondary one.

3. Corrective > Date Change should be used to change the appointment end date outside of reappointments – for instance, extending an interim or administrative appointment.

4. Corrective > Rank/Title Change should be used to change the rank to another on the same track that is not considered a promotion. This may happen when a postdoctoral worker is changing from a scholar to a fellow, or if a worker is moving between two ranks that do not have a hierarchal relationship.

5. Corrective > Review Date Change should only be used if the Academic Review Date under Additional Appointment Information needs to be updated.

6. Corrective > Tenure Status Change should be used to reflect a change in the tenure status besides earning tenure.

d. Rank

i. When adding an appointment, the rank will typically pre-populate once the Track Type is selected. This may be overridden if necessary.

ii. When updating an appointment, this field will pre-populate but can be overridden. The new rank must be on the current track.

e. Named Professorship

i. Leave blank. This field is maintained by the Provost’s Office.

f. Appointment Specialty

i. Leave blank.

g. Constructed Title

i. Leave blank.

h. Title

i. Auto-populates once Rank is chosen. Do not change.

ii. When updating an appointment, this field will pre-populate. Do not change.

i. End Date (if applicable)

i. Tenured appointments cannot have end dates. If the appointment requires both an end date and a tenure status, a status of Tenure Track should be selected.

ii. When updating an appointment, reappointment End Dates should be changed to reflect the new appointment end date. Start Date should not be changed for reappointments.

j. Identifier

i. When updating an appointment, this field will pre-populate but can be overridden.

ii. When adding an appointment as a subprocess of Hire, always add the primary appointment first, and enter any secondary appointments ad hoc.

k. Position Number (only available when updating an appointment)

i. When updating an appointment, this field will pre-populate.

l. Job Profile (only available when updating an appointment)

i. When updating an appointment, this field will pre-populate.

m. Roster Percent

i. Defaults to 100%. Remove the 100% and enter 0%. UChicago is not currently utilizing this field to track roster percent.

n. Related Academic Unit

i. Leave blank.

5. On the right side of the screen, if applicable, under the Tenure Information section, complete the following fields:

a. Tenure Home

i. Auto-populates based on Academic Unit. Do not change.

b. Tenure Status

i. If Tenured is selected, you will need to enter the Tenure Award Date field that will appear below.

ii. The Tenure Offered status should only be selected at the explicit direction of the Provost’s Office. Do not select the Tenure Offered status during the pre-offer steps of a faculty hire that is the result of a search.

c. Tenure Track Start Date

i. Auto-populates based on Start Date.

d. Probationary End Date (if applicable)

e. Tenure Award Date

6. Under the Supporting Information section review the Current Appointments and Current Positions. If any secondary appointments will require updates because of your changes, please be sure to reach out to the appropriate department(s) and inform them of the changes.

7. Under the Additional Appointment Information section do not complete any fields.

8. Under the Attachments section, upload any memos from the Chair and/or Dean pertaining to the changes you have made.

9. Select Submit and the process will route to the Associate Dean and Academic Administrator to review and approve the academic appointment.

Ending Academic Appointments Steps

1. Log into Workday using your CNetID and password.

2. Navigate to the worker’s profile by typing their name in the search box at the top of the screen and select the appropriate record that appears below the search box.

3. Within the employee’s profile, select the Actions button located under their name and title on the left-side of the page.

4. From the drop-down menu, hover over Academic Faculty and choose End Academic Appointment Track.

a. Process can also be initiated by selecting the End Track button to the right of the appointment in need of ending, on the Academic tab.

5. Academic Appointee field will pre-populate.

6. Using the hamburger menu (icon with three dots and dashes) select the Track that requires ending and choose OK.

7. In the End Academic Appointment Track screen, select the End Date and Reason and choose Submit.

8. The process will route to the Associate Dean and Academic Administrator for review and approval.