Ending an Additional Job in Workday


This document provides Human Resource Partners (HRP’s) directions on how to complete the End Additional Job process for employees in Workday.

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Keep in Mind

· Need Employee Name and Effective Date to complete the End Additional Job process.

· A job cannot be ended unless is it listed as secondary. If the employee’s primary job is ending, then the Switch Primary Job process must be initiated before the End Additional Job process can be started.

· Please see the Switching Primary Jobs in Workday Knowledge Base article for more information.

· Ending an additional job does not terminate an employee. An employee will remain active in Workday until the Termination process is complete.

· Please see the Terminating Employees in Workday Knowledge Base article for more information.

· The End Date for a bi-weekly employee must be the end of a pay period.

· The End Additional Job process is more common for student employees, however Staff, Seasonal, Temporary, and Academic employees can hold additional jobs that require ending.

Ending an Additional Job Steps

1. Log into Workday using your CNET ID and password.

2. Navigate to the Employee’s Profile by typing their name or another unique identifier (Chicago ID, SSN, Employee ID, etc.) in the search bar at the top of the screen. Select the appropriate suggested record that appears below the search box, or press Enter to run the complete search, and find the right employee.

a. Use the prefixes worker: or id: to refine the search results. For details on how to use prefixes, review the Workday Search Prefixes Knowledge Base Article.

3. Within the employee’s profile select Job on the left-side of the page.

a. Select All Jobs at the top of the page to determine if the job that needs to end is the employee’s primary job.

i. The position listed without a plus sign (+) at the end is the employee’s primary job.

· Note: If the job that requires ending is the Primary Job, complete the Switch Primary Job process before moving to the next step.

ii. Positions listed with a plus sign (+) at the end are secondary, additional jobs.

· Note: If the job that requires ending is a Secondary Job, proceed to the next step.

4. Within the Employee’s Profile, select the Actions button under the worker’s name and title, hover over Job Change and select End Job.

5. A new End Job window will appear.

a. The Employee field auto-populates.

b. In the Job field, using the Hamburger Menu (icon with three dots and three dashes), select the Job that requires ending.

i. A sub-menu will appear; select Additional Jobs.

· If the job that requires ending is located under the Primary Job sub-menu, complete the Switch Primary Job process, and then re-start the End Job process.

ii. Select OK.

6. In the new window, input the End Date. This is the last day worked and the last day pay is received for the position.

7. The Reason field will automatically populate to End Additional Employee Job > End Job > End Additional Job.

a. If Reason field does not auto-populate select Hamburger Menu within the field to select the appropriate Reason.

8. If the position is to be closed and not available for backfill, checkmark the Close Position box.

9. If there is the need to hire a new employee while the old employee completes their final week(s), checkmark the Is this position available for overlap? box.

a. Note: Overlapping a position allows for two employees to be in one position to allow training between the old and new employees.

10. Expand the Additional Information section by selecting the blue chevron to the left of the section header and complete the following fields:

a. Last Day of Work – Date defaults to End Date.

b. Pay Through Date – Date defaults to End Date.

i. Note: If the End Job process is for a bi-weekly employee then the Pay Through Date must be the end of the pay period.

· To view the pay periods, access the Current Year, Pay Schedule here.

c. Notify By – Date defaults to End Date.

11. The Attachments section is not required. However, applicable supporting documents can be uploaded.

12. Select Submit.

13. If no further action is required to complete the End Additional Job process, then a new window will appear, confirming the successful completion of this process.

14. If there is an outstanding Period Activity Pay associated with the job ending, an Up Next window will appear. To finalize the End Job process, follow the instructions in the Managing Period Activity Pay Assignments in Workday Knowledge Base Article. Otherwise, select Done to complete the End Additional Job process.

a. The process routes to appropriate department(s) for approval.