Creating a Job Requisition and Position in Workday


This document provides HR Partners (HRPs) directions on how to create a Job Requisition (JR) and create Position(s) in their organizations in one business process.

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Keep in Mind

· As of June 28, 2021, all UChicago staff, seasonal, and temporary staff positions must have an associated Job Requisition to complete the Hire, Add Additional Job, or Change Job processes.

· The Create Job Requisition business process allows for the HRP to create positions during the business process or allows for HRPs to use already existing positions in Workday.

· Multiple positions can be created under one individual requisition.

· Creating a Job Requisition does not equal creating a job posting. A Job Requisition is simply the formal request to create a new position in a company whereas the job posting is an advertisement for an open position.

· Job Requisitions are required for both competitive and non-competitive searches. Positions must be posted if they include a competitive search.

· Competitive searches are hired from the JR. Please see the Hiring Employees from a Competitive Search in Workday Knowledge Base article for more information.

· Non-competitive searches are hired from the Position, also known as Ad Hoc hiring. Please see the Hiring Employees from a Non-Competitive Search in Workday Knowledge Base article for more information.

· For job requisitions that include a competitive search, a job posting must be posted for a minimum of 7 days and a maximum of 6 months.

· Target Hire Date should be set at least 7 days after the Recruiting Start Date.

· The Target Hire Date and Recruiting Start Date of a requisition, as well as the Supervisory Organization, cannot be edited once the requisition is created. All other attributes can be changed using the Edit Position Restrictions business process.

· All positions must be assigned to a Chart of Accounts (COA) string, which is a 10-segment string of numbers used to track income and spending at the University. These segments may be overridden once costing allocations are completed in the Hire, Add Additional Job, or Change Job business processes.

· The 10 segments that make up the COA string are: Entity, Organization, Account, Fund, Purpose, Program, Activity, Site, Affiliate, and Future.

· These segments translate into Workday as worktags, which have the same name except for Organization, which is called Cost Center in Workday.

· Out of these 10 segments, there are two, Affiliate and Future which are not used within Workday and therefore are not required for data entry.

· Since Program, Activity and Site are secondary segments, not all COA values will include them, as they are not required for every transaction.

· Additionally, the Account worktag is automatically generated in Workday once payroll is run and is not required for data entry.

· The information required to complete the Create Job Requisition business process in Workday is:

· Job Profile

· Recruiting Start Date

· Target Hire Date

· Default Compensation Amount

· Names of Primary Recruiter(s) and Recruiting Screener(s)

· The name of the supervisory organization in which the requisition and position(s) will sit.

· Positions cannot be assigned to multiple supervisory organizations. If a position is split funded, it will still need to be assigned to one supervisory organization.

· For positions affiliated with an established external organization (i.e., Argonne, Fermi Lab, Marine Biological Lab, etc.), the Affiliated Organization must be entered.

· The default values for the Chart of Accounts (COA) segments that will be assigned to the position.

· Use of certain job profiles (career tracks and job levels) is restricted – some being available only to certain units, while others requiring the approval of UChicago Compensations. The following career tracks and job levels are restricted:

Job Family

Career Track

Job Level

Restriction Description

Administration & Management

Administrative Support


Only one per unit, must directly support an Officer or Dean.

Administration & Management

Business Administrator

M4, M5

Only one per unit.

Alumni Relations & Development



For use only by Booth.

Student Affairs & Services

Student Affairs & Inclusion


For use only by CSL.

University Human Resources



For use only by Central Human Resources.

· The Unavailable to Fill tab in the Supervisory Organization profile screen will display all positions that are in a closed or frozen status, any positions that are scheduled to be filled on a future date, and positions that have an Availability Date in the future. Positions listed in this tab will not be available for HRPs/Academic HR Partners to act on. If there are no positions in the Supervisory Organization that are in an Unavailable to Fill status, the tab will not display.

· Staff positions will be closed if they remain vacant for more than six months. All other positions do not expire and will remain in your supervisory organization until an action is taken on them that would cause them to be removed from your organization.

· Positions can be moved from one supervisory organization to another through the Move Workers (Supervisory) business process. Closing a position is a permanent action and will cause the position to move from the Staffing tab in the supervisory organization screen to the Unavailable to Fill tab. A position can also be frozen. Freezing a position is a temporary action and can be scheduled indefinitely, or for a set period of time. See the following Knowledge Base Articles for more information: Closing a Position in Workday, Freezing a Position in Workday, and Moving Workers/Positions in Workday.

· To see where the Create Job Requisition business process is sitting, navigate to the Archive tab of My Tasks and choose any of the tasks related to the process that have been submitted. The View Event screen will display. In the Overall Process field, select Create Job Requisition: Position Title and go to the Process tab where the details of the business process history (including the step, the status, and the person who is assigned to the task) will be displayed.

· To view all the positions in a supervisory organization, run the report View All Positions. To do so type in View All Positions in the search box at the top of the screen and select the suggested report that appears below the search box.


1. Log into Workday using your CNET ID and password.

2. From the Home page, choose Menu in the top-left corner and select the Recruiting application. Within the Recruiting application, select Create Job Requisition under the Actions header.

a. Alternative ways to initiate the Create Job Requisition process are as follows:

i. Type Create Job Requisition into the search bar at the top of Workday and select the suggested task.

ii. Expand the Recruiting Hub, which is a navigation toolbar on the left-hand side, and select Create Job Requisition from the list of Shortcuts.

1. The Recruiting Hub is only available for Human Resource Partners, Hiring Managers, Primary Recruiters, and Recruiting Screeners.

3. The Create Job Requisition window will populate.

a. If a similar job requisition currently exists and details from the existing requisition can be used for the new job requisition, select the existing job requisition from the Copy Details from Existing Requisition drop-down menu using the Hamburger Menu (the icon with 3 dots and 3 dashes).

b. Select the Supervisory Organization in which the requisition and position(s) will sit.

i. Caution: Supervisory Organization may default to your own personal employee supervisory organization and not the supervisory organization of the new requisition/position being added. Change supervisory organization if this occurs.

c. Choose the option labeled Create New Position.

i. If creating a requisition for an already existing position in Workday, check the box labeled For Existing Position and select the position within the drop-down menu.

d. For Worker Type select Contingent Worker or Employee, whichever is applicable.

i. This field defaults to Employee.

e. Select OK.

4. The Recruiting Information screen will display. Within the Recruiting Details section, select the pencil icon to edit.

a. Use the Number of Openings field to indicate how many positions need to be created.

i. All positions created using this process will be assigned the same attributes.

ii. When multiple positions are created at once, the positions become independent objects in Workday once approved. They will all have the same name but will have a number after the name to differentiate them from each other.

b. Use the Hamburger Menu to the right of the Reason field to indicate why the position is being created.

i. Labor Pool: Select this option if the requisition will be created to support a Permanent Residency application and the application process requires that the labor pool is tested. For more information, review the Initiating the Legal Permanent Residency Process and Labor Pool Testing in Workday Knowledge Base article.

ii. New Position: There are several possible reasons for newly created positions:

1. New Position > New Position Competitive Search – Select this option if the requisition will be posted for a competitive search for staff or temporary employees.

2. New Position > Posting Exception – Select this option if a staff position that would typically get posted will not be open to a competitive search. Select this option to request an exception to HR Policy 202.

a. The use of posting exceptions should only be requested in rare cases such as a contractual appointment.

b. Enter the justification in the Comments section located at the bottom of the page. Justification must include changes in job profile, anticipated compensation changes, and key responsibility changes with corresponding percentage.

c. Once the Create Job Requisition process is submitted, it will route to the AVP of Human Resources and the Office of Equal Opportunity Programs for approval. Each will need to approve to move forward. If the exception is not approved, the process is sent back to the HRP, who will determine if it needs to be canceled or if the Reason should be changed to move the process along.

3. New Position > Temp/Seasonal/Non-BenEl/Non-Competitive Search – Select this option for temp/seasonal positions that will not be open to a competitive search. If a temp/seasonal position needs a competitive search, select the New Position> New Position Competitive Search reason code.

a. A job is considered temporary if the position is expected to continue for less than 12 months.

b. A job is considered seasonal if the position is for a temporary need that is defined by the time of year and service is not continuous.

iii. Replacement: Competitive Search - Select this option if the requisition will be created to replace an existing position. There are two options for replacement positions:

1. Replacement > Replacement – Select this option if the position will replace an existing staff position.

2. Replacement > Replacement: Temp/Seasonal/Non-BenEl/Non-Competitive Search – Select this option if the position will replace an existing temp or seasonal position that will not be open to a competitive search and the job will not be posted.

c. If the job requisition and position(s) are being created due to the backfill of a previous employee, select the former employee within the Replacement For field using the Hamburger Menu.

d. Using the calendar icon, enter applicable dates within the Recruiting Start Date, Target Hire Date, and Target End Date (if applicable) fields.

i. Recruiting Start Date – This date determines when the requisition is posted.

ii. Target Hire Date – This date determines the first day a worker can start employment. Workers cannot begin work before the Target Hire Date has been reached.

iii. Target End Date – This date is required for temporary and seasonal positions.

e. Under Referral Details, leave the Referral Payment Plan field blank.

f. Select Next.

5. The Job screen will display. Within the Job Details section, select the pencil icon to edit.

a. Enter the Job Posting Title. This will be visible on both the external and internal job board if the position is posted for recruitment.

i. If the position is a temporary role, the job posting title MUST contain the word "Temporary".

b. Use the Hamburger Menu to the right of the Job Profile field to enter the appropriate job profile. The selected job profile will determine the minimum responsibilities and experience requirements of the requisition.

i. For contingent workers, choose Non-Employee Job Family Group and select one of the job profile options from this category.

ii. For non-union staff members, use the RPT Non-Union Staff Job Catalog report found in Workday to determine the most applicable Job Profile.

iii. For temporary positions, ensure that the job profile code begins with 4000. Below is a list of temporary job codes that may be utilized.

1. Temporary Office Support (4000-01) – Performs general office duties (i.e., word processing, data entry, filing, answering phones, and deliveries).

2. Temporary Technical (4000-02) – Performs duties requiring special skills (i.e., mechanical, scientific, research, or information systems support).

3. Temporary Skilled Trades (4000-04) – Performs skilled trade duties (i.e., carpentry, painting, electrical work, grounds maintenance, and engineering).

4. Temporary Professional Exempt (4000-05) – Performs executive, professional, or administrative duties as defined in the Fair Labor Standards Act. The incumbent must be paid on a monthly basis.

5. Temporary Professional Non Exempt (4000-06) – Performs executive, professional, or administrative duties as defined in the Fair Labor Standards Act. The incumbent must be paid hourly and needs to complete a timecard.

6. Temporary Teacher/Instructor (4000-07) – Performs teaching duties as defined in the Fair Labor Standards Act (i.e., teaching, instructing, or lecturing in the activity of imparting knowledge).

iv. Leave the Additional Job Profiles field blank.

c. Fill out the Job Description Summary, Job Description, and Additional Job Description fields.

i. The Job Description Summary may auto-populate based on the Job Profile selected.

ii. For staff positions impacted by job architecture, follow the formatting guidelines established in the Job Posting Template For Non-Union Benefits-Eligible Staff Roles found on HR Connect.

1. When creating the Job Description, be sure to reference the Job Profile Description in the Job Catalog. To view the job catalog, type in RPT Non-Union Staff Job Catalog in the search box at the top of the screen and select the suggested task that appears below the search box to run the report.

iii. For temporary, union, and seasonal positions not impacted by job architecture, there is no need to edit the Job Description Summary field, it remains empty. For the Job Description and Additional Job Description fields, enter information following the formatting guidelines established in the Job Posting Template For Union, Temporary and Seasonal Roles found on HR Connect.

d. Enter the Worker Sub-Type using the Hamburger Menu to the right of the field.

e. Enter the Time Type and Primary Location using the Hamburger Menu to the right of the appropriate fields.

i. The Primary Job Posting Location field will auto-populate once the Primary Location is selected. Do not change this field.

ii. Only one location can be assigned to a position. However, an alternate location can be assigned later once an employee is hired into the position. Please refer to the Managing Work Location in Workday Knowledge Base Article to review instructions on how to do it.

f. Input the number of hours the employee will work each week in the Scheduled Weekly Hours field.

i. Ensure that Scheduled Weekly Hours aligns with the Time Type.

1. Full-Time = 35 to 40 hours or more per week

2. Part-Time = 32 hours or less per week

g. Leave the Work Shift field blank.

h. Select Next to continue.

6. The Organizations screen will display.

a. Review the information listed in the Organizations section and select the Pencil icon to modify any of the fields if necessary.

i. Ensure that the appropriate values for the Chart of Accounts (COA) segments are entered. If necessary, enter or update any of the following fields: Cost Center, Program, Fund, Activity, Purpose, Entity, and Site. The opportunity to enter additional accounts or overrides will occur during the Assign Costing Allocations step of the Hire, Add Additional Job, or Change Job business processes.

1. Validation errors may occur if the values entered in these fields are not active or if the segments added are not a valid combination in Oracle. In such cases, collaborate with the department's finance team to correct the error.

ii. If the worker is affiliated with an established external organization (i.e., Argonne, Fermi Lab, Marine Biological Lab, etc.), please indicate it in the Affiliated Organization field.

iii. If applicable, enter one or more values in the Time and Absence Management Handling field. Refer to the Changing Organization Assignments in Workday Knowledge Base Article for details on completing this field.

b. Select Next.

7. The Attachments screen will display.

a. To determine if an Extra Outreach Plan is needed, select the bar-graph icon in the top-right corner of the page and select Refresh to view the Affirmative Action Profile (AAP). AAP's include minority placement and female placement goals for Staff, BSD, and Press.

i. If the JR being created supports a BSD or Press unit, review the BSD or Press Minority Placement/Female Placement columns.

ii. If the JR being created supports neither a BSD or Press unit, check the Staff Minority Placement/Female Placement Goal columns.

iii. Create an Extra Outreach Plan ONLY if there is a Yes in a column corresponding to the unit of the JR.

1. Complete the Extra Outreach Plan template (located within HR Connect) and attach it by selecting Add under the Documents section. Select Attach to open the file explorer and locate the document in question.

a. This plan shows how the HRP is targeting certain populations.

b. View the Extra Outreach Plan Framework Quick Reference Guide for more information.

iv. If the AAP shows all No's, an Extra Outreach Plan attachment is not required.

b. Once AAP is viewed and attachment is uploaded (if required) select Next.

8. The Assign Roles screen will display. This step is only required for competitive searches.

a. If the JR being created does not include a competitive search, select Next to move to the Summary screen.

b. If the JR being created does include a competitive search, complete the following:

i. Primary Recruiter(s): Required Role. Are responsible for moving candidates through the recruitment process/applicant lifecycle. This role can view and manage job requisitions. It is recommended that no more than two workers are assigned this role.

1. Select the Add button and using the Hamburger Menu within the Role field, select Primary Recruiter.

2. In the Assigned To field, use the Hamburger Menu to select worker(s) or type their name directly into the Search field and select the Enter key.

a. Multiple Primary Recruiters can be added at once.

3. Select the checkmark in the top-right corner of the section to save your changes.

ii. Recruiting Screener(s): Optional Role. Have view-only access/line of sight into the recruitment process. They can filter the candidate grid within the JR but cannot take action on the JR.

1. Choose Add again and using the Hamburger Menu within the Role field, select Recruiting Screener .

2. In the Assigned To field, use the Hamburger Menu to select worker(s) or type their name directly into the Search field and select the Enter key.

a. Multiple Recruiting Screeners can be added at once.

3. Select the checkmark in the top-right corner of the section to save your changes.

iii. Once all Primary Recruiters and Recruiting Screeners have been added, select Next.

9. The Summary screen will display. Review all details for accuracy and select Submit.

a. If any corrections or updates need to be made, select the pencil icon under the applicable section.

10. A dialog box will pop up with the next task (Acknowledgement: Supporting Cost Containment Initiative) to complete. Select Review Documents.

a. If the dialog box disappears, select the Mail icon in the top-right corner of the page to navigate to My Tasks, and then select the Acknowledgment: Supporting Cost Containment Initiative task.

11. In the Acknowledgement screen, under Documents, select the hyperlink labeled Cost Containment Initiative and review the information.

12. After review, checkmark the I Agree box acknowledging that you have received written budgetary approval for the position or requisition by your Dean, VP, or Officer of your unit and select Submit.

13. A dialog box will pop up with the next task (Edit Additional Data) to complete. Select Edit Additional Data.

a. If the dialog box disappears, select the Mail icon in the top-right corner of the page to navigate to My Tasks, and then select the Edit Additional Data task.

14. In the Edit Additional Data screen, fill in the About the Department field by copying and pasting content provided directly from the department.

15. For the below questions, checkmark the box to the right of the question for any options that are required and select Submit.

a. Does this position require incumbent to operate a vehicle on the job?

i. Check marking this box will require receipt of the candidate's Motor Vehicle Record.

b. Is Drug Testing Required?

c. Is Health Screening Required?

d. Include Joint Commission Package (JCAHO) for Background Check

i. Used for certain regular staff positions in the Biological Sciences Division.

e. Include Background Check for any employment held outside of University of Chicago (a la carte)

i. Also used if a temporary employee is hired into a regular staff position within twelve months of their previous background check. An a la carte Education Only Background Check is completed

f. An assessment is required.

i. Assessments must be requested through the Service Now Clerical Testing Request form, in addition to check marking this box.

ii. Do not require an assessment for some candidates but not for others. Either all candidates are given an assessment, or none are.

16. A dialog box will pop up with the next task (Request Default Compensation for Position Event) to complete. Select Open.

a. If the dialog box disappears, select the Mail icon in the top-right corner of the page to navigate to My Tasks, and then select the Request Default Compensation for Position Event task.

i. Assigning default compensation to the position is not required but can be used for budgeting purposes. To skip this step, select the Skip button when the dialog box with the task pops up, or navigate to My Tasks, choose the Default Compensation task, select the Gear icon located at the top of the task title, and then select Skip this Task.

17. The Default Compensation Change screen will display.

a. Review all fields in the Compensation section to confirm accuracy. Make changes if needed using the Pencil icon or enter information by selecting the Add button.

i. DO NOT edit the Guidelines segment, because it displays the pay grade and is autogenerated by job profile.

1. If offering a pay rate that is outside (below or above) of the Total Base Pay Range, provide justification in the Comment box. HR-Compensation will review justification for pay rates that are outside of their base pay range.

ii. Exempt job profiles can ONLY have a Salary compensation plan. Non-exempt job profiles can ONLY have an Hourly compensation plan.

1. Under the appropriate section, select the Compensation Plan using the Hamburger Menu.

2. Only edit the Amount, DO NOT change the Currency or the Frequency.

a. If entering compensation for a worker in the Salary plan, enter a monthly amount. If entering compensation for a worker in the Hourly plan, enter an hourly amount.

3. Considering that Chicago's Minimum Wage increases every July 1 per the Minimum Wage Ordinance, make sure to review the City of Chicago's Minimum Wage page to ensure that the rate for any hourly paid worker is not below the appropriate amount.

4. For fixed term employees, enter an Expected End Date. To do so, go either to the Salary or to the Hourly section (depending on the job profile), and select the small blue arrow to the left of the Additional Details header to expand this segment and add the information.

b. The default compensation can be modified later during the Hire, Add Additional Job, or Change Job business processes.

c. Do not edit the Merit section or select Add under the Bonus section.

d. After the compensation review and editing is complete, select Approve.

18. For Posting Exception requests, the process routes to the AVP of Human Resources and the Office of Equal Opportunity Programs for approval and then to the Budget Partner. For all other requests, the process routes directly to the Budget Partner for approval.

19. Once the Budget Partner approves the proposed compensation, the HRP and Budget Partner receive a task to Complete the Position Control Questionnaire; either role can complete this task.

20. Next, the process routes to Recruitment and Retention Specialists for review and approval.

21. After Recruitment and Retention Specialists have approved the process, it then routes to Compensation Administrators for review.

22. From there the Budget Office Controller completes the PPPC Budget Analyst Recommendation on JR Questionnaire.

23. This is then reviewed by the PPPC (or PPCC for BSD) Budget Committee for final approval.

24. The job requisition is posted (for competitive searches only) to the applicable job boards by the Recruitment and Retention Specialists. The HRP receives a Job Posting Notification once the Job Requisition has posted.